Monday, June 7, 2010

YouTuber Talks About Saigon (Random But Had To Share It)

I understand every artist, rapper, entertainer, of any form, has haters and people that aren't feeling them. That's fine, because that's life. Everybody isn't going to like you. And that's fine. But when you're a random person, wasting time and taking time out of your life, to make negative "videos" (10 minutes long) not just a random opinion and then moving on, about an artist you claim to not have much love for. That boggles me, because it's like, why did you even waste your time doing it? You're the only one looking silly here. I don't get it. Why focus so much attention on something you don't like? Anyway, this person, who goes by the name NikBag (appropreate name) made these videos around the time Warning Shots 2 came out. And when Sai dropped the Free Tru Life joint. Anyway, I just felt the need to share this, since I found it.

LOL, I put the boarders in pink for a reason. This dude is sweet in the seat (haha) his damn self. And talk about unattractive. But I digress. Look at this clown.

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