Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saigon Blogs About Fatherhood

October 20th 2008 i became a father for the very first time. The second I seen my beautiful daughter Rayne Dior, I knew there was something on this earth that meant more to me than myself. It was a crazy feeling. I kinda never really wanted kids because I never wanted to be responsible for anyone aside from myself. she changed all of that, quickly. She happens to live in California with her mom so I dont see her a tenth of what I wish I could. I find myself missing her so much it makes me miserable at times. Its really the fact of not knowing exactly how her mind is being shaped and molded everyday that hurts most. Due to certain circumstances, the communication between her mom and I is very very limited. Between that and the distance factor, I’m very out of touch with her development and I dont know what to do. although she is only 10 months old, I understand the importance of these earlier stages on determining who’ll she ultimately become. And I want my daughter to be the best.

I am very into sports as I am many aspects of the entertainment world (unfortunately), and something I notice is 95 percent of the successful athletes credit their dads for the guidance aspect. Richard Williams is from Compton and is the father of Venus and Serena Williams. People thought this man was insane when he would tell them he would guide his 2 young daughters to be number 1 and 2 in the world in professional tennis. Floyd Mayweather Jr. wasnt allowed to eat candy as a child but look what he turned out to be. Im sure he wouldnt trade in all those mansions for Sweet Tarts or Jawbreakers. I could go on and on about the FatherFactor which is what I like to call it. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and countless other big name cats will tell you it was their father’s guidance that made all the difference. Now here I am with the same opportunity to impact a life but their is so much in my way. I have every intention on raising my daughter but my question to the world is HOW? I dont want her to end up in stupid custody battles as she grows up, yet I cant see myself being with her mom. I cant even hold a conversation with her mom. Im confused, I wanna be superdad but I feel like Im facing all these restrictions. I know many many people with children that have the opportunity to be there and choose not. I want to be there but dont have the opportunity. Her living 3000 miles away is the crusher but the bad blood between her mom and I even supercedes that… What do you guys suggest I do?

I recently recorded a song for my daughter on my upcoming C.D. Warning Shots 2 that drops Oct 6th. It explains my excitement of being a new dad as well as my undying love for my daughter… I will soon be putting it all out and giving the world a
slice of my very personal life. I hope you all can enjoy it yet at the same time offer ya boy some advice.. The absence of black fathers in the hood is reaching epidemic proportions and I dont wanna add to that trend.. Im not about to…Talk to me ya’ll


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